
AN OBSERVATION REGARDING CONSERVATISM IN ACADEMIA: Prompted, in no small part, by point three of this Phoebe Maltz post.

The observation: Conservative critiques of academia have a way of turning conservatism into an identity-group, which manifests itself in undesirable ways (if you have some sympathy for conservatism). This is, I believe, because the parts of identity-politics movements that have long been of most interest to conservatism are the worst parts of those movements. It's been a long time since I devoted any energy to reading the National Review, but from what I recall, there was a wide separation between the amount of time it spent talking about Al Sharpton as compared to MLK (except to point out he was a philanderer and a plagiarist). On this account, conservatism thinks the identity-politics movement successfully captured American universities, and is now trying to do the same thing. Unfortunately, all the examples in its immediate view are the most obnoxious and least successful.

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