
QUOTE: Norman Geras:

"Leave aside 'manifestly illegal', Iraq not being a threat and anything else you may consider disputable. But can you see anything missing from this list? I can. It's odd that Milne should have overlooked it, since at the beginning of the same article one of the people he's especially indignant about ('Where are they now, the cheerleaders for war on Iraq?') is Ann Clwyd; and we all know what the constant theme was of her arguments for the war. Still, it just doesn't figure in Milne's bill of particulars, like it never did figure in his thinking in the run-up to the war. He could do with reading the first three paragraphs of this, which I highlighted yesterday. I think he'll find, too, that those of us who supported the liberation of Iraq from Baathist oppression have not suddenly disappeared or gone into hiding."

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