
QUOTE: As pointed to by Harry's Place:

"An awful lot of "told you so’s" will be heaped on Mr Bush and Mr Blair in the wake of this week’s events in Iraq. Some of them are justified in terms of criticising the lack of preparation for the aftermath of the war and Mr Bush’s tendency to make enemies at times when friends would be of more use.

But I do object to the insidious notion that Iraq is such a difficult, fissiparous country to run that it really needed a dictator to keep it in place, and that Saddam Hussein offered the West a quiet life and was worth living with. It is a view that lurks skin-deep in many of the arguments we are hearing this week. What alternative are the critics really proposing? "

So, all you gloom-and-doom-in-Iraq people, any idea of what we could do to actually, you know, make things better?

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