
LINK: Diotima totally beats out Matthew Yglesias on this one. Says Matt:

"Here's what bothers me about "abstinence-only" sex ed. It assumes that sex is this terrible thing that people only do because they fail to "control themselves" and that leads only to disease and emotional distress."

Except that, of course, I'm an advocate of abstinence-only sex ed, and I don't actually share any of those assumptions about what sex is like: in the right conditions, there's nothing not to like about it, but I think you have to be realistic about the logical capacities of 16-year olds (or, God forbid, those younger*) to recognize the right conditions. If they learned that not giving into their throbbing biological urges whenever the mood strikes is not the end of the world (and this seems to be an odd entailment of Matt's views), that would certainly be a good thing, right?

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