
HEHEHE: add to the list of things that make life worth living: smart girls who are also hot


I'M NOT TRYING TO BE JUDGMENTAL, BUT... if someone was writing things like that in the context of, say, the church they had just joined, I would assume they were part of a cult. And had been brainwashed. But what do I know?


1. Miles Davis albums from the 1950s
2. Woody Allen movies
3. "Waterloo Sunset" by the Kinks
4. The first and third seasons of Sex and the City
5. Rembrandt (and Vermeer)
JUST IN CASE: you were wondering what a group of philosophers is called, the Chair of the Philosophy Department sent out an e-mail:
Dear Philosophers,

I thought you might enjoy the following from our Interim Provost.


X-Sender: pnc@p.imap.itd.umich.edu
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 11:39:48 -0500
To: Steve Darwall
From: "Paul N. Courant"
Subject: Terms of Venery


From "An Exaltation of Larks, or The Venereal Game," by James Lipton, Penguin, 1977, I discover that he (or someone) has already invented a term for philosophers.

A Wrangle of Philosophers.

Best to you and your fellow wranglers.



There'll be more, I promise
OKAY: enough of my shenanigans. The list:
things that make life worth living:
1. Miles Davis albums from the 1950s
2. Woody Allen movies, pre-1980
3. "Waterloo Sunset" by the Kinks
4. The first and third seasons of Sex and the City
5. Rembrandt (and Vermeer)
6. Caramel Machiattos from Starbucks
7. Christopher Hitchens and Andrew Sullivan on TV discussing politics and
8. The Critic (especially the theme music)
9. The last two pages of Franny and Zooey
10. The #49 from Amer's, on an onion roll
11. The knowledge I will never again have to read War and Peace
12. Wednesday nights: two episodes of Friends, three of Law and Order, The
Bernie Mac Show, the Job, and the knowledge that I have no
responsibilities for the next 24 hours
13. Phone calls, when you know someone will be there to answer
14. Will and Grace
15. Sartre
16. the feeling of a W.B. Yeats poem
17. trying to remember the face of the girl you just met
18. The new J. Crew catalogue
19. Pizza from the In 'n' Out after spending too much time at the Grad
20. mix cds
does this shit actually work?
Today is that worst and most traumatic day of the year. As part of my annual tradition of trying to fend off loneliness any way humanly possible, I have been working on my list (stolen, naturally, from the movie Manhattan) of things that make life worth living. Here goes:
CONCERT: Who'd've thought bluegrass classical music could actually be listenable? Hmm... I want to go out and buy a steel guitar now. Good thing I can afford to. Woo!. Best $28.50 I've spent in the last week
"oh. i get it now. okay then. you want to be king? let's go. c'mon. bring it! huh? huh?"
-from my lingusitics notes. I think I'm over-compensating.
JUST KIDDING: but you knew that already, right?
COMPENSATION: I immediately left my lecture, walked back to my room, and beat the shit out of my roommate. I feel masculine again.
WHAT I LEARNED: today in my Linguistics lecture. Apparently, I'm a woman. Or, at the very least, I spent my formative years socializing in a manner typical of women, and speak with the typical linguistic features of women. I blame my sister and mother.
"What wife do you know obeys her wife? Does your wife do what you tell her to do?"
-Franklin D. Roosevelt, responding to a request by Southern Democratic Congressmen to limit Eleanor's public interactions with African-Americans when the Roosevelts were in Georgia.


DAMN: Damn...
HMM: Okay, so there was a call in the last five minutes. From a girl. For Nick. Apparently, I met her at a party two weeks ago. Now, I contemplated pretending I was the guy (which wouldn't last much past her seeing me), or, as my roommate suggested, asking her if she was hot (she certainly sounded hot). But, it being 1:30, and my not being in the mood to be suave, I just told her she had the wrong number. Well, shit.
REASSURING: My PS GSI replied to my e-mail about journal articles. He didn't really help me out in terms of making my research easier, but he assured me he didn't really care about that for the outline I had to do for today. But as it so happens, it looks like I may have a legitimate topic on my hands from which I can write a paper. Who'd've thought?
SALIENT FACT: Somehow, even though I've only talked three times in my Linguistics section, I've managed to impress my GSI enough that he knows my name. He doesn't know anyone's name, except for the girl from the Bronx who never shuts up.
FACT: Chocolate manufacturers are allowed to have up to 2% of their product be bugs. Ick.
WISDOM OF WALTON: "If we want to help the country pull out [of recession (or at least that's what I hope he meant)] and help George W do well in November, we got to get some damn chocolate."
-Hanes Walton, on the reason for Valentine's Day. We weren't paying attention again, I'm afraid.

(just checking to see if you're paying attention)


HFS: Tomorrow is Tuesday!
This just came into my inbox from CNN.com:

-- FBI issues terror alert warning two men and about a dozen associates could strike U.S. interests as early as Tuesday.

And reading the stories on Washingtonpost.com and nytimes.com didn't exactly reassure me. Wonderful!


spacegirldreams: i'm sickeningly brand loyal. i am an advertisers wet dream. i'm a sucker for new products and when i decide i like something i go out of my way to keep buying it.


AutomaQuee: i hate britney spears i think
REVIEW: so I went to see Robert Altman's _Gosford Park_, despite my standing rule never to see movies directed by Robert Altman, because both E and I had heard good things about it (I'm looking at you, Camille). Now, I don't want to say the movie was a complete and total waste of my time, but never has a murder mystery failed to inspire both sympathy for any of the characters involved and an interest in who exactly did the murdering. Nothing interesting was said, nothing interesting happened. But my goodness, he took a long time to say it. The superfluities astound me: the American director, the actor/valet, the crazy girl who looked like she was high, the girl in the green dress, the detective... did any of them actually contribute to the plot at all? Actually, while we're at it, what was the plot? It was submerged, if it existed, in the inane chattering of... well, everybody. And, unlike all other Robert Altman movies, it at no point featured unneccesary female nudity. I mean, if you can't even manage to do what you do well, why bother?


QUESTION: is seeing a DPS officer walking around the halls right now supposed to make me feel more or less secure? Just asking.


END OF THE NIGHTMARE?: I faked my way through to a potential answer. Hey, I might even be right. But probably not. I won't be able to let this one go, either. I'll be having nightmares about it. Unless the definition of entailment means that P entails R only in those situations where P is true in the first place. God, I hope so. Okay, I need to stop now.
ABOUT TO EXPLODE: "For any SL sentences P and R, P entails R if and only if the following SL biconditional is truth-functionally true:" and then I have to prove why it's truth functionally true. Bullocks. Anyone want to help?
THE TRUTH: U of M finally admits it:
"It's been an important priority for 25 years to create a North Campus as attractive on a human scale as central campus. There are a lot of parking lots there, but not a lot of sidewalks. We need destinations on North Campus like theaters, retail establishments and coffee shops."
-Interim President Joseph White, confirming the horribly biased statements I've been making against North Campus for the last few years.
DID YOU HEAR THE ONE ABOUT: Adam Vinatieri and Donald Trump? Hilarious.


CONT'D: I spent an hour on that!
RANT: Painful, just painful. An hour going "T-F-T-T-F-F-T-F... oh, wait, if P then not Q... shit... now I have to start over again... now is it truth-functionally valid if and only if when the premises are true and the conclusion is never false... or is that truth-functional consistency?"
Really, there has to be something more constructive to do with one's time that truth-functionality tables. Please God tell me there's something more constructive I could be doing.
THIS IS WHAT I THINK ABOUT WHEN I'M AT WORK: "I'm looking at the WENIS, and I'm not happy!"
-Chandler Bing
FURTHER THOUGHTS ON THE RACISM THING: After watching that atrocious movie in Lingusitics today, I reconsidered a little: what white people, or at least rich white people, or at least rich white southern people (by which I mean men), did was unspeakably horrible. But facts is facts-- they can't go back, and most of us don't want them to. The question becomes whether or not we can live together. Can you forget what people who looked like me (but were not actually related to me; my people were being oppressed in Eastern Europe at the time) did to your ancestors at some time neither of us was around? And it's not-- it shouldn't be-- a matter of my having to subscribe to your ideology. It's about what Malcolm X said, not carrying other people's propaganda.
WISDOM OF WALTON: "You don't want to go to Yaweh, or Jesus Christ, 'cause they're all into that goody-goody two-shoes. You need to talk to the man in the red suit!"
-Prof. Hanes Walton, advocating devil-worship for future politicians. I think he also implied that Lyndon Johnson made some sort of deal with the devil to get his seat in the 10th congressional district of Texas. But really, I think he was just trying to wake us up.
ANYWAY: there's a fun little flier in the bathroom about the state of the union from the african-american perspective. Apparently, if I have a closed mind, I'll be getting insulted, but if I have an open mind, I'll be alright. Is it wrong for me to see a problem with that? If what you're saying is going to be insulting, there's a good chance it's probably not entirely impartial. It seems unlikely, then, that an open mind will have much of a positive benefit. I think they're after a mind that's already decided they're right. Nothing to get offended at, then. And why get so testy about differences of opinion? Apparently, they're tired of getting pushed around. Did I miss something? Granted, there's the whole 'swastika on the door' thing, but unless they're horrible racists themselves, they have to realize it's the work of the lunatic fringe. Most of us are alright about the race thing. Has progress been made as far as it should go? Actually, I think it might have. More on this later.
QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Can a relationship bring you back to life? All signs point to yes.


MAYBE: just maybe, this little switch of sites will work
DINNER AND A SHOW: well, it rarely gets more interesting than this in the cafeteria. I stand by my rant: "can we all agree not to get pissed off just because it's Queer Vis Week? I enjoy sophomoric rants about what is appropriate for me to see about as much as I enjoy banal liberal rejoinders about freedom (or whatever). They're here, they're queer... I think most of us are over it. Thanks"
QUOTES: "If you're here at Michigan, you damn well can't convince me you shop at Wal-Mart... and I know, because I've been in Wal-Mart, and I ain't seen none of you there."
-Hanes Walton, elucidating class differences vis-a-vis Bill Clinton. Trust me, it connects. Did I mention he's my PS professor? Pure genius.
But I think I can address a word or two about intent: to save all of you from the trouble of having to talk to me all the time.
Right now, I'm having the notable technological shortcoming of not being able to see what I'm posting. Fun.