
ANYWAY: there's a fun little flier in the bathroom about the state of the union from the african-american perspective. Apparently, if I have a closed mind, I'll be getting insulted, but if I have an open mind, I'll be alright. Is it wrong for me to see a problem with that? If what you're saying is going to be insulting, there's a good chance it's probably not entirely impartial. It seems unlikely, then, that an open mind will have much of a positive benefit. I think they're after a mind that's already decided they're right. Nothing to get offended at, then. And why get so testy about differences of opinion? Apparently, they're tired of getting pushed around. Did I miss something? Granted, there's the whole 'swastika on the door' thing, but unless they're horrible racists themselves, they have to realize it's the work of the lunatic fringe. Most of us are alright about the race thing. Has progress been made as far as it should go? Actually, I think it might have. More on this later.

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