
LENTEN REFLECTION OF THE DAY: from Erasmus, "Concerning the Eating of Fish":

A man who is sick is more apt to remember St. Roach or Dionysius than Christ, the only health of mankind. Further, those who from the pulpit interpret the Holy Scriptures, which cannot be done without the assistance of the Holy Spirit, choose rather to invoke the aid of the Virgin Mary than of Christ or his Spirit. Anyone who mutters against this custom, which they call laudable, is suspected of being a heretic. The custom of the ancient Father was much more laudable. Such authorities as Origen, Basil, Chrysostom, Cyprian, Ambrose, Jerome, and Augustine invoked the Spirit of Christ but never implored the aid of the Virgin. But there is no hew and cry against those who have presumed to alter so holy a custom, taken from the doctrine of Christ, the Apostles, and the examples of the Holy Fathers

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