
ITEMS FROM MY BOOKMARKS: Office hours today, and thus time to kill. I mistakenly thought paper due early next week + lots of email on said paper + 3 hours full of meetings with students last time I had office hours = busy set of office hours today. Sadly no. Those students: whenever I think they'll zig, they zag. So:

* Letter writing is making a comeback, at least in Britain, according to the Telegraph. Letters are one of life's real joys, as I have come to discover, and the only thing I regret is that I do not have more regular correspondents. Then again, because a letter is personal and (one hopes) interesting and entertaining, it does take time. Perhaps I just need more practice.

* mgoblog on Michigan's basketball team: "If I'm a little bit inconsistent with my opinion of the team, so is the team."

* Interesting set of interviews with a prosecutor from the Nuremberg IMT. For one of my seminars I wrote a paper on the formation of IMT law, which will eventually become an article (I hope). Researching that paper was one of the really shocking intellectual experiences of my life. Like most Americans, I have some vague idea of what went on at Nuremberg, and how crucial it was to the formation of subsequent international law. The primary documents indicate, however, that the law was haphazardly created, and sometimes willfully overlook important legal principles.

* A nice post (with pictures!) of the library at Manchester. We should all be jealous.

* A wonderful review of Auden's prose from Books and Culture; I'm reading bits of the earlier volume, which includes a sketch of a book on the difference between Catholic and Protestant cultures, which you should ask me about sometime.

* The legal issues here are interesting, though I'm not well-positioned to comment on them.

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