
QUOTE: Diary of a Dean-o-Phobe:

"In the piece, Dean details his belief that he can win the general election solely by appealng to the Democratic base. "I concluded that the only way we can win is to really get our base excited: African-Americans, trade unionists, latinos, women, and now young people," he said. Of course any intelligent strategist will tell you the Democrats must excite their base and win over the center. The intense opposition to Bush among liberals would seem to give Democrats their chance: they could run a candidate who appeals to the center, and excite the base with the prospect of deposing Bush. Ignoring the center is a recipe for disaster.

In the same story Joe Trippi responds to the notion that other Democrats might be electable thusly: "If these guys can't beat us, how the hell are they going to beat George Bush, Karl Rove, and $200 million?" The answer to this is so obvious it's embarrassing that the campaign manager of a front-running candidate would need to be told."

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