
Every time I begin to think that maybe this Jonathan Franzen guy might be worth reading,* he goes and does something that makes him seem like a bit of a jerk. The unfortunate thing about his statements about his now-dead friend DFW is that it's very hard to sort out his motivation. I can conceptualize that he's hurt and bewildered by what happened. I can get that he wants to counteract some of the egregious praise that's gone DFW's way, since Dave Wallace is not/should not be a role model. But some of it does feel awfully manufactured, and all seems to be directed at taking his friend down a peg or two--ie there's not a lot of positive reflection on his friendship, there haven't been instances where Franzen admits to having taken a position where DFW was, on later reflection, correct.

Someone should really write a book about those two.

*Even if only because of my maddening need to read everything.

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