
"Moby Octopad" has a specific memory associated with it. The summer after my senior year of high school, I would drive out on the occasional weekend evening to a friend whose parents had bought a house on a nearby lake, where all of us who were waiting out college would meet to hang out (well, see and be seen). There was never a plan, as I remember it--people showed up until a critical mass was reached. But the lake house was in direct competition with the downtown coffee shop group, which meant a lot of evenings that included both (more people at the lake, but we always talked literature and philosophy downtown, and I was a huge nerd even then), and thus much driving between the two.

That's how I spent a summer living out that Nick Drake VW commercial. Get in the car, put in I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One, roll the windows down, and "Return to Hot Chicken" and "Moby Octopad" as it got dark and I made my way back to civilization.

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