
UPDATE: I moved from Durham to my current location a couple weeks ago--let me assure you, it's nothing like House makes it appear.

It's also, unfortunately, a fallow period for research. Duke was kind enough to extend my library borrowing privileges. Though this helped in working on a few papers earlier this summer, it is less useful now that I am in a different state. The university I am soon to be affiliated with has a rather stringent policy about library access. As my start date is not until September 1, I will not be getting in any time soon. Further, it appears my Duke VPN no longer works, so no looking for articles. Worse yet, half my books have not arrived at my new apartment (naturally, the ones most useful to any of the work I'd want to do).

Consequently I work on cover letters and applications, and fiddle with research proposals as much as one can without the necessary literature. But it's hard to do work on much else.

I hope to remedy at least some of these problems soon, because I like doing research, and I'd like to get back to it.


Rebecca said...

I don't remember the exact details, but your new university has some kind of guest access to the libraries available. I was there in 2007 doing some research of a rather different sort.

Nicholas said...

ah, you're the reason no one could find Michelle Obama's senior thesis.