

Result from one of those moral intuition quizzes:

Your response that the fat man should be tortured is in direct contradiction with your earlier claim that torture is always wrong. However, it does make sense in terms of some of the other responses you have given. In particular, on at least one occasion you have responded that it would be right to end the life of one person to save the lives of some other greater number of people. It would be strange then if you did not think it might sometimes be right to torture a person if by doing so it might be possible to save all those people whose lives would otherwise be lost in a nuclear explosion. Perhaps then you should revisit your blanket opposition to torture.

In particular, that whoever composed this quiz does not believe in moral dilemmas. Also, that one's intuitions about 'what to do' are partially conditioned on what role one is playing. In the four different scenarios, one is: a railroad conductor, a railroad employee who is asked to commit murder, a railroad employee asked to commit a murder which would circumvent the criminal justice system, and a high-level political official asked to torture, not murder. If one's answers didn't differ over those different cases, then I'd be worried.

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