

* File under 'things that are poor:' My church had a congregational meeting tonight that began with a 'dessert potluck.' I am never made happy by this, in part because I feel guilty taking food other people have made and not bringing my own (not an option this time because of schedule constraints, but my baking in general leaves much to be desired), and in part because my church only gives the time the potluck portion starts, and not the actual meeting, which is vexing for those of us trying to calculate the latest possible time to show up without being late. Having some work left to do this evening, I was pleasantly surprised when I walked in to see the large dispensers for coffee set out (though I remember last time they were all decaf except for one regular). I was rather less happy to be surprised when they were all marked "hot cider." Seasonally appropriate, but really, coffee should always be available.

* I attended a wedding this weekend at which there were two (samovars?) of coffee. One was labeled 'coffee;' the other was labeled 'decaf.' I approved: one of those is not coffee.

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