
"And tell me when the spaceship lands/ 'cos all this has to start to mean something..."

This came onto the ipod this morning, and so onto the blog it goes. There are many things to like about Pulp: the heavy use of irony; that they made an excellent album about getting old; the fact that their lead singer; Jarvis Cocker, as a tall, skinny, pasty white man, somehow managed to be a sex symbol for several years in the late 90s. Possibly my favorite is the line included in every set of liner notes: "N.B. Please do not read the lyrics whilst listening to the recordings" (for the record, I never have).

In particular, I enjoy the critique of rave culture, and the rambling accented monologue (apparently, when he gave interviews, Cocker was fond of adopting different accents to give particular answers).

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