
THE PERPETUAL DECLINE OF BOOK REVIEWING AND LITERACY: I've been sitting on this CJR essay on the state of book reviewing for a few days. As I love late-period Lenin, I enjoyed this:

In this view, only the review (or book) that is immediately understood by the greatest number of readers can be permitted to see the light of day. Anything else smacks of “elitism.” This is a coarse and pernicious dogma—a dogma that is at the center of the anti-intellectual tradition that is alive and well within America’s newspapers. It is why most newspapers barely bother with reviews. And it is why most newspaper reviews are not worth reading. I sought to subvert this dogma. Of course, ideally I wanted what Otis Chandler in his heyday had wanted: mass and class. But if it came down to a choice between the two, I knew I’d go for class every time. In literary affairs, I was always a closet Leninist: better fewer, but better.

The rest is predictably great: thoughtful, well-written, and long enough to address its topic seriously. Read read.

(link via The Elegant Variation)

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