
BLEG: I'm housesitting right now, and something keeps beeping. There are two types of beeps: singular beeps, and two beeps spaced by about fifteen seconds of silence. They exhibit no other pattern of behavior I can discern (i.e. it doesn't beep every five minutes, or when the central air kicks on). However, the beeping is beginning to drive me crazy. I've done a thorough investigation of the house, and none of the things that might beep (answering machine, smoke detectors, dishwasher, computers) are doing it.

Any ideas?

UPDATE: I hate to put a stop to the speculation in the comments, which I find sort of entertaining, but a little further investigation makes me 95% sure it's one of three or four surge protectors/back-up power supplies in the office, which explains why the beeping didn't occur at regular intervals. Unfortunately, this means I can't really turn them off. Fortunately, now that I know what it is, it drives me significantly less crazy.

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