

The Telegraph has a delightfully snarky article on George Galloway's coming troubles in the US Senate.

PooterGeeek speculates on the new young British voter, who could easily be considered to have an analog in American politics:

"Despite its general unwillingness to engage with party politics, Generation G still fancies itself idealistic. Sadly, other middle-class cynics, bitter Old Leftists, want to twist the punk-pragmatic idealism of the children of Live Aid into the misread-Marx idealism of the footstamping infant. A teenager carrying a “Blood For Oil” banner on behalf of a Socialist Worker front organisation thinks she has seen the puppetmasters for what they really are, when she is, in fact, a puppet of people who have been playing posture politics since before she was born...

We are talking about people who identify with rather than pity Bridget Jones, Homer Simpson, and Beavis and Butthead. Some dream of World peace; I dream of a world where it’s uncool to be an idiot."

Also, having finally come around to the left-British blogosphere view of the last election (winning is the important thing, are there are lots of reasons to believe things will get better, not worse), I can appreciate the irony behind this cartoon.

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