
QUOTE: Marc Cooper:

"But first let me say I was nauseated and appalled by the cheap trick of Republican congress members flashing their purple-ink stained fingers to the camera. I’m someone who praised the Iraqi elections (scroll down one posting) but this was really crave, stomach-turning exploitation. These congress-twerps  who spend their days and night suckling on the special interests tit braved no more than the risk of camera-light sunburn for their efforts. To try and cash in on the heroics of ordinary Iraqis merits endless scorn. Shame on any Republican partisan who even attempts to justify that sickening gesture. Have the honesty to denounce it as the arrogant, self-serving hoax that it was."

I assumed that Mr. Cooper, writing as he does for The Nation, would at least have heard of the principle of solidarity, and would. at the least, be willing to extend the benefit of the doubt on this one.

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