
WELL: About the post below where I discuss why I'm not a republican: I don't take my dichotomy to be anything resembling complete (I acknowledge the existence of National Greatness Conservatism, whose flag I'm pretty willing to carry, though acknowledge it only as a sub-stream of R thought). But the two biggest at-the-moment strains appear to be of the all-regulation-is-bad and other-things-constant-less-regulation-is-better-than-more kind*, and I don't see myself fitting into either of those, for reasons I detailed. I'm not especially eager to replace being an abused minority within one party to being in an abused minority of the other party (especially when the alternative is to be one of those oh-so-desirable independent voters**).

*I assume that if my conceptions here are incorrect, any of my fellow first-years who happen to be republicans will be happy to gently disabuse me of them.

**I actually feel like an independent voter (as opposed to a disaffected D), which I didn't about, oh, a month ago, and is probably attributable to said fellow first-years

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