
LINK: My Foreign Correspondent, in part of her neverending quest to become the new madpony, has an amusing review of Troy up on her blog. It's worth pointing out, re: the sexism in the movie, that's it's there in The Iliad, too. It was either Peter Euben (soon-to-be Greek political theory professor) or Arlene Saxonhouse (old Greek political theory professor)* who told me that they like to begin teaching the Iliad by pointing out that the argument between Agamemnon and Achilles is over who gets to rape the slave girl. Not exactly forward-thinking. Nevertheless, for a more sympathetic treatment, there's always Euripedes' Trojan Women.

*or perhaps something I read on a blog months ago, in which case it's lost it the mists of time, but I'm pretty sure it was Peter.

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