
QUOTE: Brilliant:

"But now, Shonda and I are going where no female conservative pundit has ever gone - Gender Studies 101! That's right, folks, Shonda and I are going to spend a whole quarter reading Catherine MacKinnon and Judith Butler so you don't have to.

So far, we've discussed whether the reason everyone was so upset about Janet Jackson's exposed breast was because a black woman was owning her own sexuality and what would have happened if, way back in the state of nature, women had won and men had lost ("We'd make men take care of the babies," speculated one student). Shonda and I are still struggling to figure out how/if we can participate, but once we do - hilarity will ensue! See as Sara dukes it out with Rachel "Hamlet is creating an incestuous and necrophiliac re-enactment of the love triangle between his mother, father, and uncle when he wrestles with Laertes in Ophelia's grave" Swift, an old nemesis from the Hamlet class of Fall, 2002! Watch as Shonda discovers her authentic self is actually a black lesbian named LaShonda! Tune in next week to find out the difference between sex, sex category, and gender!"

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