
LINK: Ann Arbor Is Overrated has a nice post on the AA News letter to the editor written by a landlord complaining that housing was so bad not because of landlords' complete and total failure to maintain their housing, but because students constantly trash apartments, etc. Let's leave aside the fact that it took three days for them to do anything about my front door after someone tried to break it down through brute force; let's also not discuss the ten days in january when I had no heat. This made me laugh (jokes sometimes represent things we find unsettling because they're true, right?):

"There you students go again with your outrageous expectations. I’m a landlord in this city, and I’m just sick and tired of you stupid whiners. If the shelter I provide would have been good enough for Jesus Christ, Ghengis Khan, and the Plantagenets, it's good enough for you. I get calls at all hours of the day and night asking me to fix the heat, supply running water, etc. etc. etc. Hell, once a student even called me – ME – to tell me that there was an electrical fire in the house. Don’t you kids know that I have a life? The fire department can put out the fire, and the hole in the wall won’t matter over the summer. And complaining about the broken locks -- please -- doesn't your lease have a clause about how I’m not responsible for stolen property? Put your damn computers and mountain bikes in a safe-deposit box if you don’t want them stolen. Brats."

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