
QUESTION OF THE DAY: My professor for Greek Political Thought asked the people who hadn't done the reading to leave class today (this was at the beginning: she asked a (pretty obvious) question, and no one really volunteered an answer. She then proceeded to ask if anyone had done the reading*. I'd done about 70% of it, and so was one of about 8 people who raised their hands. She asked how many people hadn't done the reading. The other ~20 people raised their hands. At this point she asked them to leave). This prompts three questions which I hope everyone will comment on, as I don't really have set views on any of these and want to see what the general moral intuitions people have are:

1. Was it okay for her to ask the people who hadn't done the reading to leave?
2. If you hadn't done the reading (or hadn't done all of it), were you obligated to leave because the professor told you to?
3. If you take a class where you know discussion will be much more prevalent than lecture, are you then obligated to in some way participate in a regular manner in the discussion**?

*The reading was first assigned about three weeks ago.

**leaving aside the occasional exception of a day where you don't have much to say, or you feel underprepared, but only so long as those are the vast minority of days

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