
QUOTE: CalPundit, on our President:

"Sure, he's a Bush, but even so how did he manage to convince the vast majority of the Republican party apparatus that he should be their favored candidate? After all, he had minimal experience, he obviously didn't have any special intellectual or personality characteristics that make you sit up and take notice, and his father wasn't even that popular with most Republicans after his dismal loss in 1992." [emphasis mine]

Now, I've not agreed with him about everything he's ever done, and I'll punt on the question of his intelligence (though he strikes me as one of those kids who sat at the back of the room and made sarcastic comments to his friends mostly because he wasn't interested in what was going on, not because he was dumb), but man, how can you say he doesn't have any special personality characteristics? were you paying attention for the week after 9/11?

I still don't know if I'll vote for him or not, but it's very clear to me that he's exactly the sort of person I want to be President, personality-wise.

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