LET THE WAR BEGIN: The Democratic Party of Clinton v. the Democratic Party of Dean. As Morrissey once sang, "come, come, armageddon, come!"
"As National Journal noted in a detailed look at what it called "Hillary Inc.," the senator's network of fund-raising organizations "has begun to assume a quasi-party status." And some of the best Clinton talent is heavily invested in non-Dean campaigns, especially Joe Lieberman's (Mandy Grunwald and Mark Penn), John Edwards's (Bruce Reed), and Wesley Clark's (Bruce Lindsey, Eli Segal, and Mickey Kantor). "
So those of you who think, as I do, that the Democratic Party is going to split up in the next couple of election cycles, this is a good sign of what's to come. I'd vote for a Hillary-led DLC-style Third Way-Democrat Party, of course, and I've expressed my desire to vote for literally any candidate over Howard Dean (even the Natural Law party guy, or the Tortskyists, or whatever). So that'd work out nicely for me.
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