
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Andrew Sullivan says:

"The GOP has now no crediibility as a party of fiscal discipline or small government. It's just another tool of special interests - as beholden to them as the Dems are to theirs*."

Shocking, isn't it, that a bill which is in the interest of a portion of the voting public is against the interests of another part of the voting public. Can you believe the gall of the Republicans--and the Democrats, for that matter--knowingly playing partisan politics so they can pass bills to help people who are generally ideologically aligned with them. For shame.

Next, you'll be telling me that the major parties target certain blocs of swing voters and try to woo them with policy. What is democracy coming to? Where are the philosopher-kings who can rule justly, ignoring everyone's interests equally?

*and here I thought the Republicans were the party of financial growth through short-term applications of money to appropriate sectors of the economy, whereas Democrats were the party of financial growth through a long-term strengthening of institutions that create conducive social conditions for future growth. But what do I know?

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