
QUOTE: Ehud Barak on the Palestinians:

"They are products of a culture in which to tell a lie...creates no dissonance. They don't suffer from the problem of telling lies that exists in Judeo-Christian culture. Truth is seen as an irrelevant category. There is only that which serves your purpose and that which doesn't. They see themselves as emissaries of a national movement for whom everything is permissible. There is no such thing as 'the truth'"

And Andrew Sullivan's shocking shrill reply:
"The tantalizing question is whether he's referring to the PLO or the literature departments of most Ivy League colleges."

Now I know he's just having his fun, and there's nothing wrong with that; frankly, I'd be the first to criticize the most college literature departments, ours included (it is, after all, possible to get a PhD in English Literature at U of M and not read Shakespeare. Shakespeare! But Andrew just seems to have started to become another flack for the Right, and a particularly unfunny one, at that.

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