
For all of us on the hard center-left (I think that was a joke), The New Republic dissects a potential McCain bid for the Presidency much as yesterday's Washington Monthly article did. Things to salivate over:

"McCain, in other words, now believes in progressive government to counteract the excesses of the market and recognizes that the mere fact that business interests complain about such intervention does not by itself make it wrong. There is a term for people who think like this: Democrats."

And, more importantly, reason to believe this fact has not escaped the man himself:

"It's strange that amidst all the political gossip about a McCain third-party candidacy, Washington has barely considered the far more logical possibility of a McCain second-party candidacy. Last summer one senator informed Newsweek that McCain himself has discussed the idea. "'I know he's looked at our field and said to himself, 'I could take these guys,'" the (presumably Democratic) senator explained."

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